Nicolas Darvas (1920–1977) was a dancer, self-taught investor and author. He is best known for his book, “How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market.” Trend following trader? You bet. From Time Magazine Monday, May. 25, 1959: Nicolas Darvas in Time Magazine Monevman Darvas’ methods would raise the eyebrows of most Wall Streeters. Instead of studying what Wall Street calls the fundamentals—price-earning ratios and dividends—he judges public enthusiasm, a method that works best in volatile markets. “In my dancing I know how to judge an audience,” he says. “It is instinctive. The same way with the stock market. You have to find out what the public wants and go along with it. You can’t fight the tape, or the public.” More: Darvas’ system is tailored to his job. Since he has to do trading from wherever he is dancing (he recently completed an Asian tour) he ignores tips, financial stories and brokers’ letters, has never been in a broker’s office. Basically, his approach is that ...